The University of San Carlos (USC) is a Catholic educational institution administered since 1935 by Society of the Divine Word (SVD) missionaries. It is considered as the oldest school in the Philippines since its founding in August 1595. This 2023, USC celebrates its 75th Diamond Jubilee as a University. As a comprehensive university it offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields and disciplines clustered to seven (7) schools, which are the: School of Architecture, Fine Arts, and Design; School of Arts and Sciences; School of Business and Economics; School of Education; School of Engineering; School of Health Care Professions; and School of Law and Governance. All its research and community extension priorities are anchored on the Sustainable Development Goals believing that the quality of its education is its mission to help the world become better.
The programs for Tourism Management and Hospitality Management are two of the more than forty-five undergraduate academic offerings and over fifty (50) graduate programs offered in the University of San Carlos. This is part of the university’s response to the need of the context - Cebu, in particular, and the Philippines, in general being thriving tourism and hospitality destinations. To provide the faculty members and students a more realistic experience, an in-campus conference center was developed for them to use in holding student-organized Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE), among others. Added to this is their active linkage with relevant government, non-government organizations, and industry partners that provide them the opportunity to practice their science in the actual work setting. Moreover, being the location of the center of the center of Marine Biodiversity in the world, Cebu islands do not only have the potential for Ecotourism but have the actual inventory of Ecotourism ecosystems. These are some of the reasons for the relevance of the programs.
On the other hand, the University is also offering the Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship for students who are with interest to start their own business and entrepreneurial engagements. Among its various initiatives is its collaboration with the School of Engineering in the offering of a special course on “Technopreneurship”.